Faculty Spotlight by Student Council

Submitted by emy.porter on

Lucy T, one of our amazing student council members, chose to interview Donace Vasquez this week. Donace is a kindergarten technician as well as completing her student teaching in  Mr Vernon's second grade class.  Here is what Lucy learned about Mrs. Vasquez:

Name: Donace Vasquez

Position: Technician in Kindergarten

Favorite thing about Apple Valley: most awesome students 

Favorite thing to teach: Science

Favorite hobby: Thrifting

Favorite food: Mexican 

Favorite treat: anything with sugar! 

3rd grade fieldtrip

Submitted by emy.porter on

On Thursday, our third grade classes went on a fieldtrip. They had the opportunity to watch a play at Scera Theater, had lunch at a park, and then skating at Classic Skate. It was a really fun fieldtrip! 

Faculty Spotlight by Student Council

Submitted by emy.porter on

This week's Faculty Spotlight was by our awesome student council members, Sam  and Brooke. They chose to highlight Mrs Smith, one of our fantastic third grade teachers. This is what they learned about her:

Name: Mrs Smith

Position: Third grade

Favorite thing about Apple Valley: the kids

Favorite thing to teach: math and science

Favorite hobby: drawing

Favorite food: tacos

Favorite treat: raspberries

Any other questions they asked: Favorite color is purple and favorite grade is third grade. 


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Nebo is offering a free hybrid in-person AND live zoom workshop on March 9 through Nebo District/Utah Parent Center to help answer difficult behavior questions parents may have, and to help them know what they can do as parents.  This workshop can be attended by anyone who is interested and will apply to both children and teens.