5th grade four-square Tournament

Submitted by emy.porter on

Today was our annual four-square tournament for the fifth grade. They have been practicing so much in preparation for today and they all played so well. Congrats to the winners: 1- McCoy D. 2-Boston B, and 3-Emma C and Tate N


Pays to Read assembly

Submitted by emy.porter on

Today was our Pays to Read Assembly and it was a big party! We were amazed at how many tickets the students had earned from their reading. Tickets were drawn throughout the assembly to win books and chances to play games and win even more prizes. We are so proud of all of our great readers! Keep it up over the summer. Congratulations to the big prize winners; Khloe S from 1-3 grades and Mimi F from 4-5 grades. 

3rd grade Spelling Bee

Submitted by emy.porter on

Third grade competed in a spelling bee earlier in May. They have all been working hard on their spelling and we were proud of what a great job they each did in the competition. Our third graders are G-R-E-A-T! 



Second grade's got talent!

Submitted by emy.porter on

On Friday, our second grade classes all gathered together to share their talents. Many performed live at school while a few chose to video their talents. We have a very talented second grade and we are so proud of them all! 


Students of the Month

Submitted by emy.porter on

Big shout out to the following students for being chosen as student of the month for each grade:  K-Catalina C, 1- Ryder B, 2- Kaybrie K, 3- Jett C, 4- Greyson R, 5- DJ S. We are so proud of each student for being kind, working hard, and being a good friend to others. 

#applevalleyelementary #homeofthesilverfox #studentofthemonth 


Field Day for 3-5 grades

Submitted by emy.porter on

Third, fourth, and fifth grades have been participating in a field day today. They've participated in various races, long jump, and softball throw. We are so proud of how well they are all doing and love seeing them cheer for each other. 


Hope of America 5th grade performance

Submitted by emy.porter on

Our fifth grade students have been working so hard with Mrs Hoschouer over the last couple of months to learn songs for Hope of America. On Monday, they went with classes to practice and then last night they were able to perform for family. They all did an amazing job and the performance was so successful!  
