Hero Night

Submitted by emy.porter on

Our Annual Hero Night was a huge success. We want to thank all of the fantastic volunteers, families, and community heroes who helped out and supported this event. We started the event with a school assembly with visits from some of our local heroes such as police, firemen, nurses, and  military. That evening the PTA sponsored a Hero Night event with food trucks, a train, activities, carnival games, and demonstrations by police, K-9, firefighters, ambulance workers. It was a great night and we were so happy to see all of you there.

Carnival Game Competition Winners

Submitted by emy.porter on

This week we held a Carnival Game Competition where students of all grades could create and present a carnival game idea for our Hero Night. The four winners chosen will each get to host their game tonight at Hero Night. They have some really fun games for you so stop by Hero Night, Friday 4/28, from 5-8 pm. 

Congratulations to our winners: Hoven, Jett, Halle, and Brinley. Thanks for the amazing games! 


Chess Club Tournament

Submitted by emy.porter on

Yesterday was our annual Chess Club Tournament. All members of chess club from K-5th grade participated throughout the day with an awards ceremony to celebrate the winners. It was a really fun day and we want to give a big shoutout of thanks to all of our parent volunteers who made it successful!!

Congratulations to our winners:

Kinder: 1- Kona, 2- Tommy, 3- Brock, 4-Bridger, 5-Greyson, 6-Teancum, 7-Aubrey

First grade: 1-Beck, 2-Sawyer, 3-Samuel, 4-Xander, 5-Pete, 6-Emma, 7-Trevor

Faculty Spotlight by Student Council

Submitted by emy.porter on

This week our great student council members Brooke H and Wyatt B interviewed Mrs Wimmer, one of our amazing kindergarten teachers.  This is what they learned about her:

Name: Mrs Wimmer

Position: Kindergarten

Favorite thing about apple valley: the people here

Favorite thing to teach: kids

Favorite hobby: hiking

Favorite food: salad

Favorite treat: Dr Pepper

District keyboarding competition

Submitted by emy.porter on

Our fourth and fifth grade students participated in a keyboarding competition this week with Mrs Mills, our district keyboarding teacher. We have some fast typists! Fynnigan G was our top fifth grader. Jay J was our top fourth grader and he also was third fastest in the entire district fourth grade, winning a cash prize! Way to go Fynn and Jay! 
