September 2022

Read aloud with Mr. Jones

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Apple Valley was lucky to have a special visitor from the district, J. Lynn Jones, come to read to our school in September. He read books by Kerry Patterson about being kind, helping each other, and being honest. The books were enjoyed by all ages and we appreciated Mr Jones coming to share them with us. 

Oct 6: SEP Conferences

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We invite you to come meet with our teachers on Oct 6 for SEP conferences. You may have already signed up for a conference time with your students' teachers at Back To School Night. If you need to schedule a time, make a change, or no longer remember your time, please get in touch with your teachers via email. We will not post a school-wide Sign Up Genius this year.

Faculty Spotlight by Student Council

Submitted by emy.porter on

This week our student council members, Esther and Lily, chose to interview Mrs Quetzi Garcia for the faculty spotlight. We are thrilled to have Mrs Garcia here as our new librarian. Here is what student council learned about her:

Name: Quetzi Garcia

Position: Librarian

Favorite thing about Apple Valley: the students!

Favorite thing to teach: everything

Favorite hobby: reading 

Favorite food: pasta - especially Afredo 

Favorite treat: a nice cold Dr Pepper

Favorite color: cream colors

Favorite animal: dog

5th Grade foursquare tournament

Submitted by emy.porter on

Last week our fifth grade competed in a foursquare competition between all three classes. It was a fun afternoon of competition and a lot of fun. Congratulations to our winners: Ethan Cummings, Tate Nielson, McCoy Degraffenried, Boston Backus 

#AppleValleyElementary #HomeOfTheSilverFox #WeLoveOurSchool#studentsuccess #WeHaveTheBestSchool #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #thankateacher#loveteaching 

3rd grade fieldtrip

Submitted by emy.porter on

On Thursday, third grade had a field trip to Rowley's Red Barn. A hay wagon picked the students up at the school which they rode all the way to the farm. At the Red Barn, the students were taken by wagon to the apple orchards where they each got to pick an apple, they watched a presentation about farming, and had time to play on the farm before the wagon ride back to the school. It was a great fieldtrip for all! 

Family Movie Night

Submitted by emy.porter on

This Friday our amazing PTA is hosting the annual Apple Valley Movie night.  Come enjoy "Bad Guys" with your family on the east lawn of the school grounds. A taco truck and a concession stand will open at 7:00 p.m., and the movie will begin at dusk.


Faculty Spotlight by Student Council

Submitted by emy.porter on

Our cute student council members, Hannah and DJ interviewed Mrs. Porter this week. Here is what they found out: 

Spotlight of the week 

Mrs Emy Porter

Position: Secretary 

Favorite thing about Apple Valley: All of the great students at Apple Valley! 

Favorite thing to teach: Books of course! 

Favorite hobby: reading, traveling, and experiencing new places

Favorite food: Mexican

Favorite treat: ice cream 

Friday Spirit Day

Submitted by emy.porter on

We love to see all of the school spirit on Friday! Thanks to all those who were wearing school colors or school shirts. We love the staff and students at Apple Valley! 

Need some Apple Valley gear? Check out the online store on our website or purchase tees and  and hoodies from the PTA at the office or at the family movie night later this month.

Teacher Spotlight by Student Council

Submitted by emy.porter on

Our amazing student council members, Demi and Wyatt interviewed Ms Thomas this week. Ms Thomas is a new second grade teacher at our school and she is fabulous! We are so excited to have her at Apple Valley!! Here is what they found out: 

Spotlight of the week 

Ms Syd Thomas

Position: 2nd grade teacher

Favorite thing about Apple Valley: recess and the students

Favorite thing to teach: Math

Favorite hobby: riding horses and reading

Favorite food: pancakes and pizza

Favorite treat: Gummie bears