Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting
Apple Valley Students Present at Nebo School Board Meeting

Some of our fifth grade Student Council members had the opportunity to speak to the School Board on September 8th.  They shared some of the experiences they have had while serving.  


  • Jaxin Keuster led the audience in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and later introduced the fourth grade students who performed a musical number, "Best Day of Our Lives."
  • Leah Rowley spoke about the leadership conference the Student Council attended.
  • Skylie Binks listed some of the duties assigned to the members, including serving as a Peer Helper to the younger Kindergarten students.  She relayed an experience she had during that assignment.
  • Hank Lowham spoke about participating on the Welcome Crew.  He shared an experience he had while assisting a new student to his class each morning until he felt comfortable going on his own.
  • Chloe DeGraffenried mentioned the Holiday Pantry that the Student Council organizes and prepares for our school families in need, and how it made her feel to serve others.
  • Ammon McKinnon spoke about the things the students of Apple Valley learn during their Music class, including rhythm, dynamics, and tempo.  The students are also able to create, play, and write their own music in class.  He shared an experience of listening to a friend perform a musical number and how impressed he was by his friend's talent.

Mr. Argyle, Principal

Mrs. Hoschouer, Music Teacher

Mrs. Kober, Student Council Advisor



  #AppleValleyElementary #HomeOfTheSilverFox #WeLoveOurSchool #WeHaveTheBestSchool #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted