August 2020

2nd Grade Goal Assembly

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Today was the 2nd graders opening assembly for their week of olympics! They are taking this week to learn about goals and what it means to set a goal and how to work towards goals. Mr. Argyle told them that even though they are only in 2nd grade, they are capable of setting goals and accomplishing them. I really appreciated when a student said "I'd never be able to do that" and Mr. Argyle quickly said that he really believed that he could do that AND so much more! The amount of encouragement that he filled the gym with was motivating.

Kindergarten Open House

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Ok, we voted and we decided that kindergartners are the cutest things!! Today they got to come meet their new teachers and check out their new classrooms! We can't wait for them to start school tomorrow. They add so much to Apple Valley and help to make it such a special place!


Lunch and Breakfast Menu 8.24-8.28

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Swipe to see next week's menu for breakfast and lunch. If your child needs/wants to eat breakfast they will enter through the lunchroom doors at the back of the school. You can drive on the west or east side parking lots and drop them off, or you may park and walk them. We do have faculty members outside helping kids find their way to the lunchroom and monitoring outside play. You guys have the best kids and they make our jobs so fun! 

Name Dots

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Mrs. Brandley's cute class had turns dotting their names! It was fun to see how creative some kids were being!! And I had no idea I needed dot paint in my life until today. SO COOL! 


#AppleValleyElementary #SilverFox #WeHaveTheBestSchool #CuteFirstGraders #LearningToRead #LearningToWrite #nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted 

Check Out Our Smize!

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Raise your hand if you are as excited for school to be in session as we are!!! This has been such a fun few days. But, of course, our favorite is seeing your children at the school! Even with masks on, we are all still smiling!! Most kids already have the smize down!

Words Are Like Toothpaste

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Mrs. Brown's class had an amazing demonstration on how words are like toothpaste! Words are easy to come out, but impossible to take back completely. It was a great and powerful reminder to remember to think before you speak (or write). Once the words (toothpaste) were out, the students tried to put the toothpaste back in the tube. While some of it was able to get back in, most of the toothpaste remained on the plate. 

Kindergarten Open House

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

We wanted to say thank you for bringing your darling kids in for the KEEP Assessments. It was so fun to see them! Here is the schedule for Tuesday's Kindergarten Open House, it will go by the students last name.

A-B - 9:00-9:30 

C-D  -  9:30-10:00

E-I  -  10:00-10:30

J-M  -  10:30-11:00

N-R  -  11:00-11:30

S-Z  -  11:30-12:00


School Information

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Dear Parents and Students of Apple Valley Elementary School, 


We are so excited to welcome you back to school for the 2020/2021 school year!!!! We have been working hard cleaning and preparing for our opening day on August 19th. Teachers have been training and preparing for students returning this fall as well. 


Kindergarten KEEP Sign Ups

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Parents of Kindergarten Students, 

We are so excited to be welcoming your little ones to Apple Valley this year! In order for us to make correct teacher assignments, your child will need to complete the Utah Kindergarten KEEP Assessment. Please select a time for this assessment by clicking on the link below.

Thank you so much for your willingness to share your children with us. We look forward to meeting them and helping them learn and grow here at Apple Valley! 


Kindergarten Information

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Parents of Kindergarten Students, 

We have been getting asked a few questions regarding kindergarten assessments and teacher assignments for this coming year and we wanted to inform you of what to expect in the next couple of weeks. 

We will be sending out an email later this week to parents of kindergarten students with time slots to select a day and time to bring your child to the school for a kindergarten assessment. The assessments will take place at Apple Valley on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the 19th, 20th and 21st.