3rd Grade Decorates Zion's Bank Christmas Tree

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on
3rd grade is making ornaments for Zions Bank Christmas tree. They will walk over to the bank on Tuesday, leave our ornaments and sing a Christmas carol. Our third grade teachers are so fun! 
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Veterans Day

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

On Veterans Day we had Sergeant Donald Lee Paas come and talk to some students about the Veitnam War. Sergeant Paas was in the air force and he told stories about how the soliders lived and some duties they had while they lived over seas. He told the story of how the soldiers would want to make their planes look more intimidating so they would paint mean faces on them. Sergeant Paas also brought some memorabilia for the students to see and try on. We are so grateful for our veterans and soldiers of America, who have fought and sacraficed so much for our freedoms.

Grant Awarded to Ms. Mortensen

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

"I received a grant from the Nebo Education Foundation in the amount of $600. This grant will be used for the purchase of books that meet the criteria of the University of Utah's Reading Clinic, in which our intervention specialist team is trained in. We meet with multiple children in one setting on a daily basis. Meeting with several students at once allows us to service a high volume of individuals. The purchase of these books will be a great asset to students in grades 1-3 who are falling behind in reading, fluency and comprehension. 

5th Grade Wax Museum

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Our 5th Graders had their wax museum today! They all did an amazing job memorizing and reciting their interesting facts and decorating their posters. The other grades loved going in and pushing the buttons to see the historical statues come to life! Great job 5th graders, you all looked and did amazing! 


Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Halloween was SO fun! We had so many fun and unique costumes come in yesterday. We hope you all had a great day at school and fun and safe time trick or treating! 

#nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #happyhalloween #applevalley #silverfox 

Reflection Winners

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

We have our 2018/2019 Reflection Winners! The theme for this year was "Hero's around us". We had members of our local Fire Department and community come and judge the entries. They said it was the hardest job they've ever had to do! And I believe them! We had so many great entries. Congrats to our winners!

                                      1st place winners:

Quinn McNeff – Visual Arts

Paisley Bryant – Visual Arts

Save the Kids Conference

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Save the date! November 5th @ 6:00 pm in the Springville High School Auditorium. 

They will be presenting ideas on how to:

Balancing screen time and device use
Protecting and cultivating our children’s self worth
Devising a sensible family use of device plan

#savethekids #saveourkids

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Grant Awarded to Mr. Hansen, for Speech Therapy

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

The Nebo Education Foundation is composed of 20 volunteer board members who live in cities serviced by Nebo School District. Each month, the foundation meets to discuss grant requests and other ways to raise money for the continual improvement of Nebo School District. For the month of October, there were many teachers who submitted requests for grant money to better their classrooms and/or school as a whole. Congratulations to Mr. Hansen who received a grant from the Nebo Education Foundation! He continually benefits our district with his service to our students.

2nd Grade Field Trip

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Second Grade participated in Farm Field Days as part of their Science core where they learned about producers and consumers, needs of living things, nutrition, germs, and the water cycle. 

#nebohero #NeboSchoolDistrict #studentsuccess #empowerstudents #engagestudents #focusonstudents #loveUTpublicschools #utpol #uted #applevalleyelementary #applevalley #silverfoxes #secondgraderocks #fieldtrip #farmfun