October 2020

Infinite Campus Mobile App

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Download Nebo’s Infinite Campus Mobile App

The Infinite Campus App is the most effective tool for parents, students, and other community members to stay engaged and stay connected to critical school-related information anywhere and anytime from a mobile device.

The easy-to-use design app allows you to see what is happening in the classroom so you can understand, monitor, and participate in the educational process.

Campus Student and Campus Parent are designed to provide real-time access to student information.

Spirit Friday Count!

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

We had so much fun seeing everyone in school colors on Friday! We counted 190 students and teachers wearing something gray or maroon! We are gettting closer to hitting our school goal. Thank you for your suppport, we love our students and our community!


Teacher Spotlight of the Week

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

Name: Mrs.Taylor

Student Council Officers Julia Walker and Brinlee Mikesell interviewed Mrs. Taylor for last weeks spotlight! Here is what they found out about her:

Position: 4th Grade Teacher

Favorite thing about Apple Valley: Working with so many friends and all the great kids.

Favorite thing to teach: Math because it takes a lot of hard work and we get to play so many fun games.

Mrs. Miller's Wonderful Class

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

This week we are celebrating Mrs. Miller's cute class! Here is what she had to say about her darling students.

"What I love about my class is that they are so excited to learn and come to school every day! They are always so happy and friendly which makes our classroom an enjoyable place to be.  They work so hard and try their best in everything they do. They have already learned so much in just a month of school and I am so proud of them!"


Spirit Day!

Submitted by morgan.kinyon on

A quick reminder to wear your Apple Valley shirts or any maroon or gray clothing tomorrow! Each Friday our student council goes to each classroom to count how many kids have school spirit. Once our school hits a goal of 1,800 kids who've worn school colors on Friday, the PTA will pass out a surprise to EVERY student! We are so excited for this new tradition and to show support and pride to Apple Valley!